

Looking for an extra stream of income? Before and After Weight Loss Clinics is launching an affiliate program that YOU can be a part of. An affiliate can invite friends, relatives. or co-workers to visit the site and earn free products and/or commissions. To see if you qualify to  be an affiliate and earn, call Lee McCaskill at 1-888-657-5402. You will be given a unique link to promote the site and earn!


The diet program is the same metabolically balanced eating plan used at the clinics and was designed by a registered dietitian with the help of a food chemist and microbiologist.  Clients eat real food and learn how to stop sabotaging their weight loss through behavioral classes via a self guide in our book or on a thumb drive. Most clients can expect to lose an average of 3-5 pounds per week.    

 As our slogan says," We didn’t invent dieting…. we just made it lots more fun!"